Salut and welcome back to part two of Stress less, learn more!
This second part is all about creating the mindset shift you want to get closer to your goal. If you're stuck in a vicious cycle, confused, overwhelmed, or lacking confidence in your abilities up to this point, this episode is going to teach you a powerful technique to take control of your learning. It will help you feel better so you can learn better.
In this episode, you're going to learn:
- how to choose emotions that serve you and bring you closer to your goal
- how to concretely create a positive thinking pattern
- how to ensure this thinking pattern actually sticks and works in the long run
I'm going to be walking you through the FREE workbook activities so make sure to download it and follow along as you listen to this episode.
Today's takeaway:

1. Emotions can be energy-producing or energy-depleting. They can serve you or hinder you depending on your goal.
2. To take your French to the next level, you need to focus on how you feel and think by reverse-engineering your thinking pattern. Start with the desired result you want, then work your way backward by planning the action you want to take, the sensations and emotion you need to feel to take said action, and the thought you need to tell yourself to generate that emotion.
3. Use the DNA mnemonic so that your new thought sticks: display reminders and triggers to think your new thought as often as possible, start with a neutral thought first, and authentically believe it to generate the new emotion.
Resources and references:
This week's workbook: Stress less, learn more PT2
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