We are taught to believe that failing is bad, that making mistakes is wrong, and we are constantly judged on our performance, and all this can often lead to fear. In today's episode, I want to explore the concept of mistakes and failure, and want to offer a different perspective on the subject. If you're afraid to speak up for fear of making mistakes or looking like a fool, and if your self-confidence is at an all-time low, this new perspective could help you regain control and power over your fear.
This week, I'll invite you to:
- redefine what it means to make mistakes
- invite failure into your learning journey and aim for failures and mistakes to grow
Today's takeaway:
1. Mistakes are not only okay, they're also an essential part of the learning process.
2. There are two ways you can fail: failing as part of your experience putting yourself out there, and failing because you're avoiding discomfort.
3. How do you want to fail? Choose and go for it!
Resources and references:
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